Olauncher is one of the simplest, safest and best rated minimal launcher available. Here's what is does -
- Makes your phone super clean (see screenshots)
- Frees you from digital distraction (no icons or ads)
- Does NOT collect any personal data (open-source)
- Gives you a dark and light wallpaper daily (for free)
Based on what our users tell us, it will take you about 2 days to truly understand how life changing Olauncher can be.
So try it today! And tomorrow.
- See what people are tweeting about #Olauncher -
Twitter https://bit.ly/3iNVZ0M
- One of the 15 best Android launcher apps -
AndroidAuthority https://bit.ly/3iOkIlz
- Top 10 Android apps of 2020 -
Mobiscrub https://bit.ly/2WXkPDK
- One of 15 best Android apps launched in 2020 -
AndroidAuthority https://bit.ly/3DtdcEU
- Olauncher gives your home screen a minimalist makeover -
AndroidPolice https://bit.ly/3FwiEsn
We're doing the best we can to provide an ad-free and privacy respecting minimal launcher without making any money from it. Please don't be disappointed if we decline your feature request to keep things simple.
1. Hidden apps
Long press anywhere on the home screen to open settings. Tap on 'Olauncher' text on the top to see your hidden apps. We hope you liked how well they're hidden. :D
2. Double tap to lock
Olauncher uses Accessibility service to enable double tap to lock. If it stops working, please grant Autostart permission and turn off battery optimisation for Olauncher. You can find these options in your phone settings.
3. Navigation gestures
Some devices do not support gestures for third party launchers. We'll see what we can do about it but most probably, it will be fixed by Android or your device manufacturer via an update.
For more tips & tricks, visit our About page in Olauncher settings.
Olauncher source code is available on Github under GPLv3 license.
Olauncher respects your online privacy probably more than you. It neither tracks your app usage nor collects any personal data. If you have any question regarding privacy, feel free to contact us.
Stay safe!
Twitter: @tanujnotes
P.S. Thank you for checking out the description. Only a few very special people do that. Take care! :)
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